Roman Catholic 
Diocese of Ogdensburg

Safe Environment

List of


Bishop's Letter

Audit Compliance Letter

Report Misconduct - Diocesan Clergy, Religious, Employees or Volunteers

If you have a complaint of suspected misconduct involving diocesan clergy, religious, employees or volunteers, contact Victim Assistance Coordinator, Terrianne Yanulavich, LMHC, Ph.D. Lic, 000186, NPI:  1356531149, 5050 Route 374 Merrill, NY 12955
Phone: 518-569-0612 
or Father Christopher Carrara, the Episcopal Vicar of Personnel at 315-393-2920.  As part of the efforts of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ogdensburg to protect children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries, it is important that your report identify:
  + The child or children in danger
  + The name of the suspected abuser
  + As well as your name, address and phone number as part of your report.

The Diocese of Ogdensburg will report all allegations of suspected abuse to the appropriate law enforcement or civil authority.  Making a report to the Diocese of Ogdensburg, in no way, means that you should not make a report to police or child protective agencies.

Report Misconduct - Diocesan Bishop

If you have a complaint of suspected sexual abuse or related misconduct involving diocesan bishop, contact the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service at (800) 276 - 1562 or  Where a report includes a crime, such as the sexual abuse of a minor, it will also be reported to civil authorities.  Your report must include:
  + The name of the U.S. Catholic Bishop you are reporting.
  + A description of the allegation, the place where it occurred, and the timeframe of when it occurred, as best you can remember.
  + It will be helpful if the report also includes as many relevant details as possible, such as the names of other individuals involved, as well as dates, times, known circumstances, or other information useful to assess the facts of the situation.

If you have any other kind of complaint about a bishop, such as parish assignments, church closings, or homily contents, please address those directly to the diocesan bishop.

NOTE:  Sexual abuse by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the church should be reported to the Victim Assistance Coordinator.

The Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting System is a third-party service for gathering and relaying to appropriate Church authorities reports of sexual abuse or misconduct by U.S. Catholic bishops. Reports made will be forwarded to the proper Church authority, usually a Metropolitan archbishop (or a Senior Suffragan bishop if the report is about the Metropolitan, or if the Metropolitan See is vacant). The Metropolitan archbishop for the Diocese of Ogdensburg is currently Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan.

Individuals filing reports will be given an access number and personal password to follow-up on the status of the report.

Victim Assistance Coordinator

In addition to being a primary contact for receiving notification of allegations of suspected sexual abuse or related misconduct, the VAC will also: 
  + Inform the alleged victim of his/her rights and obligations
  + Provide timely and responsive pastoral care for the victim(s) and their families
  + Facilitate assessment, counseling, and therapeutic interventions by accredited and competent counselors (as agreed upon by the Diocese and the person receiving the pastoral care or, in the case of a minor, the victim’s parents or guardians. Appropriate pastoral care may also include medical evaluation and treatment, spiritual guidance, identification of support groups or social services, and resources for healing depending on the circumstances and needs of the victim. 

Terrianne Yanulavich, LMHC, Ph.D. Lic, 000186
NPI:  1356531149
5050 Route 374 
Merrill, NY 12955
Phone : 518-569-0612


Click here to view Virtus Training's that are available.

Q and A

How do I retrieve my User ID and / or password?  
If you can’t remember your User ID or Password, go here:   If you can't get into your account, do not register for a new one!   

How can I update my outdated email address?  
There are two ways to update your outdated email address. If your account is active, you can log into your account to update the information. After logging in, select your "Toolbox" tab and then select "Update My Account" from the list on the left. Here you can update your contact information and add an additional parish / school to your account. 
Otherwise, contact us at Safe Environment Office for assistance. Your Virtus online coordinator is:   Jean Grizzuto at 315-393-2920. 

How do I retrieve my required monthly training bulletins once I log into my account?  
All individuals who have been designated by the Diocese as requiring online continued training will have a "Training" tab at the top of the page when they log into their accounts. Then go to Training Bulletins to identify any missed (unread) bulletins.  For answers to other Frequently Asked Questions and Support Matters, please visit: 

First-Time Registration Instructions

Background Checks

The following must have a criminal history background check completed prior to hire or commencement of ministry:
  + All clergy, including the Diocesan Bishop, religious, Catholic School principals and teachers, faith formation leaders, catechists, seminarians, diaconate program aspirants, and youth ministers.
  + Those who assist in youth ministry, all volunteers (18 years or older) whose duties include contact with minors, and all chaperones for overnight activities even if only for a single event.
  + All paid personnel employed by the parish, Catholic School, Church institutions, and diocesan staff. 

All criminal history background checks will be completed by the Diocesan Safe Environment Office or its designees using the format prescribed by the SEO. The employer (Diocese, parish, Catholic school, or related entity) must contact the Director of the Office of Safe Environment to discuss the hiring or use of anyone who has a record of any misdemeanor or felony before that individual is hired or permitted to volunteer. 

The employer (Diocese, parish, Catholic school, or related entity) must contact the Director of the Office of Safe Environment to discuss the potential hiring or use of anyone who has a record of any misdemeanor or felony before a final hiring decision is made or that individual is permitted to volunteer.       


John Morrison
Director of Safe Environment
Charter Compliance Coordinator

Father Christopher Carrara
Vicar for Clergy