"Protecting the unborn... supporting the expectant mother..."
Gabriel Project is a national parish-based program which exists to help pregnant women both materially and spiritually. These needs are met with no charge to the mother.
Out of 199 Dioceses in the United States, 47 have Gabriel Projects; 25 additional Dioceses have showed interest or are in the beginning stages of establishing the apostolate.
In the Dioceses of Texas, the state where Gabriel Project was founded, all 15 Dioceses have the Gabriel Project.
The Church offers this program which provides parishioners the means to walk with needy, hurting women. The women are picked up and helped by members of the community.Volunteers for the Gabriel Project are called ‘angels’. The Gabriel Angel throughout history delivers the message: "Rejoice! Fear Not!" When a pregnant woman calls the Gabriel Project hotline, she is assigned a Gabriel Project angel. The church volunteer becomes a friend and advocate for the woman in need. The angel delivers the message to the church and community, any physical needs the woman may have and discerns with the parish clergy in her spiritual needs.
National Portal to the Gabriel Project
The Diocese of Ogdensburg has 9 Gabriel Project parishes:
St.Mary's in Potsdam 315-265-9520
St. James in Gouverneur 315-287-0114
Our Lady's Parishes in Ogdensburg 315-276-9654
Our Lady of Victory in Plattsburgh 518-534-8483 or Parish Office 518-563-0730
St. Vincent de Paul Society in Massena 315-769-1200
St. Joseph’s in Dannemora 518-492-7118
St. John the Baptist in Keeseville 518-834-7100
Our Lady of Lourdes in Schroon Lake 518-532-7100
St. Patrick's in Brasher Falls 315-389-5401