Roman Catholic 
Diocese of Ogdensburg



Youth Event

The Rosary: Praying with Jesus and Mary


For youth in 3rd-12th grades

9:30AM – 3PM  Friday February 21st, 2025  

2:10PM Mass at St. John’s Church – Families welcome

Our Lady of Grace Parish Center

500 Morris St. (Ann St. Entrance), Morristown, NY

Youth day to learn more about the Rosary including mystery, what it means to meditate, how prayer transforms us and the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries.  Youth will make their own Rosary, pray the Rosary together and celebrate Mass.

 No fee to participate.  Donations accepted.  Lunch provided.

Sponsored by Our Lady of Grace Parish. 

Minor's Information
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Section A – Travel Arrangements
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Section B – Minor's Health Information

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By eSigning my name above, I hereby affirm and certify that the information provided in Section B – Minor’s Health Information is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. My child/ward has my permission to participate in the event activities except as noted.

Self-Directed Medication

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By eSigning my name above, I certify the above-mentioned Minor is capable and competent to administer their prescribed medication and to self-carry their prescribed medication.
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By eSigning my name above, I certify that I have been instructed in and understand the purpose, time of day, dosage and frequency of my prescribed medication and consider myself capable and competent to administer and self-carry my prescribed medication.

Section C – Emergency Contact Information

If a parent/legal guardian cannot be reached in case of an emergency, please contact:
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By eSigning my name above, I hereby authorize qualified emergency medical professionals to examine and in the event of injury or serious illness, administer emergency care to the above-named Minor. I understand every effort will be made to contact me to explain the nature of the problem prior to any involved treatment. In the event, it becomes necessary for the staff of the event in charge to obtain necessary care for my child/ward, neither he/she nor the parish sponsoring the event assumes financial liability for expenses incurred because of the accident, injury, illness and/or unforeseen circumstance.

Section D – General Rules

Boundaries- All participants must remain within the given boundaries and areas of the event. No Alcohol, Illegal Drugs or Tobacco – These substances are prohibited during the event. Behavior and Dress Code – All participants are expected to behave and dress in an appropriate manner throughout the event. The following dress code must be followed throughout the event: no clothing with advertisements for alcohol, drugs or tobacco. No inappropriate slogans or designs. Shirts must cover the midriff. Skirts, dresses or shorts must be no more than five inches above the knee. Respect the Staff – All staff will be given the Participant’s respect, courtesy and cooperation during the event. Illness or Injury – Any illness or injury during the event must be reported to a staff member immediately.  Any emergencies should be reported to a parish staff member. Any serious infraction of the rules will result in a call to the Participant’s Parent/Legal Guardian and possible dismissal from the event. The Parent/Legal Guardian will be responsible to pick the Participant up from the event.

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By eSigning my name above, I certify that I have read and understand Section D – General Rules.

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By eSigning my name above, I certify that I have read and understand Section D – General Rules.

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By eSigning my name above, I hereby affirm and certify that the information provided in the event registration form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.