“Children Helping Children”
A Pontifical Mission Society
The Missionary Childhood
Association (MCA) was founded in France in 1843 by Bishop Charles de Forbin
Jansen to encourage children to be aware of the needs of children living in
mission lands through the world. Today it is in 110 countries under its banner
“children helping children”. Donations from schools and religious education
programs help with the building of schools, health, nutrition programs,
medications, school fees, teaching and learning resources, and religious
MCA occurs throughout the school
year and is facilitated through the Pontifical Mission Societies of the Diocese
of Ogdensburg office. We provide guest
speakers, prayer programs, artwork contests, and physical materials geared
towards spreading awareness and fostering missionary hearts in today’s
Teachers and Religious Education
instructors are encouraged to contact us to order materials by calling
315-393-2920. All materials are provided
at no cost to you.
Missionary Childhood Association (MCA Guidelines)
What you can expect:
If requested, The Pontifical Mission Societies will provide
a visit to your school, scheduled when convenient, by a member of our office or
voluntary missionary, all of whom will be vetted by the Safe Environment
Office. The visit will include a brief presentation and, time permitting,
an interactive activity. MCA materials including bookmarks and posters
will be distributed. The children are encouraged to use both prayer and
sacrifice to help better the lives of their less fortunate brothers and sisters
living across the world.
What we expect:
Fundraising efforts and learning about
how children here can help children there
is the key. A modest request of about $5 per student over the course of the
school year is the goal of the
Mission Office.
What we need:
At the school year’s end, have your school/program secretary
or bookkeeper forward a check to the MCA offices, PO Box 369, Ogdensburg,
NY 13369 for the funds raised during the school year. Also, if you have
photos of the students with photo permissions engaged in the fundraising
efforts, we encourage you to share them. The mission office uses photos
in the promotion of the program in our newsletters, online, and in the North
Country Catholic. We will need all funds raised for MCA to be sent to our
office by August 1. All donations received after September 1 will be included
in next year’s total.
Every penny can become a
dollar. Every dollar becomes something. “Children helping Children.”
OUR MCA GOAL: $5.00 raised/student in our Catholic Schools and Religious Education Programs
$1.00 $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 $5.00
Check us out at the Annual Superintendents Day Celebration in Lake Placid every October!
Check out the Education Department Newsletter for what is new!