Roman Catholic 
Diocese of Ogdensburg



photo taken by Jesse Sovie

Leave  a  Legacy


  • The Diocese of Ogdensburg
  • The Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ogdensburg
  • Your Parish or Catholic School
  • The Education of Priests and Seminarians
  • The Priests Retirement Fund
  • The Bishop's Fund
  • Any Ministry or Program of the Diocese
  • Catholic Charities
  • Missionary Projects of the Diocese of Ogdensburg
  • St. Joseph's Nursing Home
  • Any Diocesan Institution of your choice

Mission Statement

The Mission of The Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ogdensburg, New York, Inc. is to pass our living faith to future generations by financially supporting the charitable, spiritual, educational and temporal works of the Catholic Community of the Diocese of Ogdensburg by accepting donations or endowment funds from donors and the administration of these funds.

In fulfilling its mission, The Foundation will: 

  • Provide estate planning and charitable giving information and assistance.

  • Provide giving vehicles in which the Church or related entities are the designated beneficiaries .

  • Provide responsible and financial management and distribution of earnings that further the mission of the Catholic Church.

Building a Bridge to the Future

Endowment Gifts

An Endowment Fund is the best way for you to provide a perpetual source of revenue for your Parish, School, favorite Ministry or Program of the Diocese or Missionary Projects of the Diocese. The principal of your gift remains on deposit and continues to grow, while every year the Catholic organization you’ve  chosen receives income from your gift forever. An endowment may be opened with a contribution of cash, securities or other property, and may be added to at any time by you or someone else wishes to contribute the same organization.

You, as a donor, may choose to establish a restricted or unrestricted endowment fund, or both. You may assign your gift to your own Parish for its use in any manner you designate or to any other Catholic organization that you wish. You may also request that your donation simply be used to provide the greatest good to the greatest number as an unrestricted gift.

Established Endowments

Reverend Norman Poupore Endowment – Support of Priests’ Disabilities 
Catholic Charities Endowment –
Corporate purposes 
Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph Endowment – Corporate purposes 
Society of the Propagation of the Faith Endowment –
Corporate purposes 
St. Joseph’s Home Foundation Endowment – Corporate purposes 
Catherine Aurelia Endowment – Bishop’s Charities and Religious Works 
Reverend Anthony A. Milia Endowment – Support of the Diocesan Archives 
Building For Tomorrow Endowment – Operating expenses of the Catholic Community of Alexandria 
Education of Seminarians Endowment – Funding to the annual operating budget 
Faylene LeRoux Endowment – Support of Catholic Education 
Formation For Ministry Endowment – Parish financial assistance and annual operating budget 
Guggenheim/Hughes Endowment –
Support of capital needs of Guggenheim Center 
Leona Schlafly Endowment – General purposes of the Diocese of Ogdensburg 
Reverend James Meehan Endowment – Special care of priests 
St. Mary’s Cathedral Endowment – Support of general operations 
Joseph & Joyce Sylvester Endowment – General operating needs of St. Anthony’s, Watertown 
Guggenheim Maintenance Endowment – Maintain the main camp building, boathouse and grounds 
Spratt Memorial Endowment – Support capital needs 
St. Alexander’s Catholic Education Endowment – Support of Catholic education at parish 
Alice Austin Trust Mass Endowment – Masses at St. Andrew’s Church, Sackets Harbor 
Lawrence R. Robinson Trust Mass Endowment – Masses at St. Andrew’s Church, Sackets Harbor 
St. Augustine’s Church Endowment – General purposes of St. Augustine’s at Peru. 
Margaret Brothers Endowment – General purposes of St. Patrick’s Church, Rouses Point 
Victor West Endowment – General purposes of St. Patrick’s Church, Rouses Point 
St. Mary’s Champlain NY Endowment – Support of St. Mary’s Church 
Reverend W. Cyril Rapin Endowment – Support of disabled priests 
Good Samaritan Endowment – Christian charity to the people of the North Country 
Holy Family Strauss Educational Endowment – Promote Catholic education 
Deacon Adam Crowe Scholarship Endowment – Education of Seminarians  
William Cornish Endowment – St. Henry’s Church, EWTN, Diocese
Donald J. GrantEndowment – General purposes of RC Community of Brownville & Dexter 

St. Lawrence ChurchEndowment – General purposes of St. Patrick’s Church in Brasher Falls 
St. Patrick’s Church ShamrockEndowment – General purposes of St. Patrick’s Church in Brasher Falls 
Queen of Heaven Church – General purposes of Queen of Heaven Church 
Church of St. Patrick/Stumpf Family –
Catholic Education 
ME Walton Good SamaritanEndowment – Needs of parishioners at St. Cyril’s and St. Francis Xavier 
Special Care of PriestsEndowment – Funding for annual operating budget 
Alice Austin Mass Endowment – Masses at Queen of Heaven Church, Henderson
St. Francis of Assisi Endowment – 50% Diocese, 50% Covenant House 
William L. PatnodeEndowment – Education of Seminarians 
Gertrude J. Tyo Endowment – Education of Seminarians 
Chapin, McCarthy, LaBelle Families Endowment – General purposes St. Augustine (North Bangor) 
Chapin, McCarthy Families Endowment – General purposes St. Martin de Porras, Peru (Missionary Projects)
St. Patrick's & Mother Cabrini's Shrine of Peru, NY Endowment – General purpose of Shrine 
Thomas and Ann Fiacco Endowment – ​ IHC, Watertown for use of tuition assistance to students in need
Thomas and Ann Fiacco Endowment – ​ IHC, Watertown for use of tuition assistance to students in need
Bishop Brzana Chapter Vocations – emergency medical/dental assistance to active Seminarians 
Brian E. McManus & Alison E. McManus Endowed Scholarship Fund in Memory of Dorothy W. McManus – Tuition assistance for students of financial need at St. Agnes Catholic School 
Halsey J. Seguin Memorial Scholarship Fund - to benefit poor students of St. Bernard’s Catholic School as they see fit 
Education of Seminarians/St. Joseph’s HomeEndowment – Education of Seminarians & St. Joseph’s Nursing Home Foundation general purposes 
Leonard J. Furnia Endowment Fund – Support of Education of Priests & Seminarians
Saint Ignatius Special Needs Endowment Fund – special need grants for extra ordinary, emergency, one-time situations 
Francis & Constance Kehoe Memorial Endowment Fund –  Education of Seminarians and Graduate Studies for Clergy of the Diocese of Ogdensburg 
The Leary Family Endowment Fund – General purposes Trinity Catholic School, Massena NY, and St. Peter’s Parish, Massena NY 
The Lamb Trust Fund (St. Agnes School)  - Annual scholarship or scholarships for St. Agnes Catholic School students or such other purposes as the school to determine.  
The Gawdun & Walsh Family Endowment Fund - 50% Continuing Education of Priests and 50% Education of Seminarians.     

Annual Report

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: 

Over the past 35 years since being ordained to the Priesthood back in 1988 and the Holy Father selecting me to be your Bishop in 2010, I have witnessed and been inspired by the tremendous commitment of the faith-filled people in the Diocese of Ogdensburg to stay united and continue Christ’s mission of helping our fellow brothers and sisters in the Church of the North Country.               
From one generation to the next, the faithful of the Diocese of Ogdensburg have generously supported one another as we continue to build up the Body of Christ here in the North Country.  With much trust and firm faith, our local parishes are growing in vibrancy and vitality.  Now more than ever, in these challenging times, we need to look ahead to ensure that the mission of the Church continues to be Christ-led, Christ-fed, and Hope-filled. We are called to: protect the vulnerable, promote human dignity, celebrate the Sacraments, defend the poor, seek justice, and participate in worship with our parish family. 

In 2007, in order to “Build a Bridge for the Future” and continue a strong sense of commitment, the Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ogdensburg was established with the purpose of preparing the Diocese to meet these needs of tomorrow. Since that time, 55 permanently restricted Endowments have been established.     

These endowment gifts are a perpetual source of revenue for the Diocese, Parishes, Schools, Ministries, Nursing Home, and Missionary Projects of the Diocese. I am extremely appreciative and grateful to those who have contributed to the Foundation and have invested in our Catholic community’s future.     

As I present you this 2022-23 Annual Report, please take a moment to review the Endowments as well as our mission statement, what a Catholic Foundation truly is and how it works along with methods of giving.    

The Foundation is an instrument for you to make a legacy for the next generation and for generations to come. If you have not already done so, I encourage you to consider developing an estate plan for the benefit of your loved ones and those close to your heart.    

I would like to express my gratitude to the Board of Directors for their willingness to serve, provide guidance, ensure legal ethical integrity and for their wise stewardship in overseeing the investments and dividends of its funds.    

Wishing God’s blessing to you and your loved ones, I am                                                                                     
                                                                Faithfully yours in Christ,                                                                                               

                                                                  Most Reverend Terry R. LaValley                                                                         

How it Works

The Foundation solicits, invests and stewards endowed funds and planned gifts to benefit the people and communities of the Diocese as designated by the donors. Prudent financial management of the funds is entrusted to the Board of Trustees comprised of distinguished church, business and civic leaders. A professional staff administers the day-to-day operations of the Foundation and oversees the distribution of earnings from the funds. Assets are managed by investment professionals.

New endowments can be started with a minimum gift of $5,000 through a variety of methods of giving as the donor selects the beneficiary and establishes the name of the Endowment (often a tribute or memorial). Contributions can also be made to existing endowments. Endowment gifts keep the principal intact and distribute quarterly dividends to the beneficiary. 

The benefit of this type of gift is it provided a perpetual gift to something the donor has strong beliefs and ties to during and after his or her lifetime.

Methods of Giving

Type of Gift

Outright Gift


Charitable Gift Annuities

Insurance Policies

Form of Gift

  • Cash
  • Stocks/securities
  • Real estate
  • Insurance
  • Cash
  • Real estate
  • Personal property
  • Percentage of estate
  • Remainder of estate
  • Cash
  • Stocks/securities
  • Real estate
  • Name The Foundation as policy owner and/or beneficiary

Benefit to Church

  • Perpetual income
  • Interest income use by parishes, schools and organizations in diocese
  • Bequest will be held in perpetuity and invested to fund Church needs as designate by the donor
  • Upon the death of the donoror last surviving annuitant remaining assets generate interest income for the Church
  • The Foundation receives full face value of policy upon death of the donor, or may receive current surrender value prior to donor’s death

Benefit to You

  • Income tax deduction
  • No capital gains tax on Appreciated gifts
  • Possible estate tax deduction
  • Opportunity to make aperpetual gifts
  • Possible estate tax deduction
  • Opportunity  to make a perpetual gift
  • Opportunity to make substantial future gift to Church at current manageable cost
  • Income tax deduction for value of the policy when transferred
  • Premium payments may be deducted as gifts

Charitable Remainder Trust

Charitable Lead Trusts

Retirement Plan/IRA

  • Cash
  • Stocks/securities
  • Real estate
  • Cash
  • Stocks/securities
  • Real estate
  • Name The Foundation as beneficiary of death benefit
  • The Foundation receives substantial future gift to support the work of the  Church and the charities  named by the donor
  • Income for duration of trust helps Church meet spiritual and human needs that exceed the capabilities of most parishes, schools and organizations
  • Significant gift upon death of donor
  • Variable or fixed income
  • Option to defer income
  • Income tax deduction
  • Reduction of estate taxes
  • No capital gains tax on appreciated gift (or deferred in some instances)
  • At end of trust period, principal returns to donor or heir
  • Principal can pass to others with little or no shrinkage
  • Tax deduction
  • Opportunity to make a major gift
  • Estate and income taxsavings


Scott Lalone
Executive Director