Roman Catholic 
Diocese of Ogdensburg

The Diocesan Fiscal Office is entrusted with responsibilities for caring for property, managing temporal matter, making resources yield as much as possible, and sharing resources with others.  The responsibilities involve a commitment to trust and accountability as defined by the USCCB Pastoral entitled Stewardship: A Disciple's Response.  Functional areas include revenue (contributions, gifts, fundraising, etc.), budgeting (operating and programming, solvency strategies, cash management, etc.) and temporal goods (acquisition, maintenance, management, and alienation).

Diocese of Ogdensburg Audited Financial Statements
Foundation Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax 
Day to Day Financial and Accounting Guidelines
Deposits, Withdrawals and Loan Application
Diocesan Assessment
Finance Council

Financial Reporting     
     Internal Control Checklist     
     Chart of Account 

Contact Information
Mark Mashaw
Diocesan Fiscal Officer

Peggy Garrison
Senior Accountant