An Endowment Fund is the best way for you to provide a perpetual source of revenue for your Parish, School, favorite Ministry or Program of the Diocese or Missionary Projects of the Diocese. The principal of your gift remains on deposit and continues to grow, while every year the Catholic organization you’ve chosen receives income from your gift forever. An endowment may be opened with a contribution of cash, securities or other property, and may be added to at any time by you or someone else wishes to contribute the same organization.
You, as a donor, may choose to establish a restricted or unrestricted endowment fund, or both. You may assign your gift to your own Parish for its use in any manner you designate, or to any other Catholic organization that you wish. You may also request that your donation simply be used to provide the greatest good to the greatest number, as an unrestricted gift.
Click here to find a list of our current Endowment Funds.
Since the Diocese of Ogdensburg, your Parish, Catholic School or other Diocesan organizations or programs are qualified charitable organizations, they can sell real estate gifts without incurring tax on the appreciation. There are a number of ways to make a real estate gift. Some examples include:
If you sell real estate you have owned for a number of years, it is likely you will be faced with a sizable capital gains tax, especially if the property is not your residence. Through an outright gift such as property, a double
tax saving is possible. First, in most cases you will receive a charitable income tax deduction for the full value of the property. In addition, since the property was given rather than sold, you will not be liable for capital gains taxes
on the transfer.
When deciding to make a charitable gift in the form of real estate, it is very important to choose property that meets a number of criteria - The property should be
readily saleable; the property’s appraised value must equal the amount of the anticipated gift if property is mortgaged, tax and other benefits may still be obtained, but special attention should be paid to the manner in which the property
is given.
We all know someone special, someone we have admired, respected and loved. Relationships like these are priceless and honoring (tribute) or memorializing (memorials) these people can be especially gratifying.
There are a variety of ways you can honor or memorialize a family member, your Pastor or even leave a legacy in your own name which can benefit your Parish, Catholic School, favorite Ministry, the Diocese or Missionary Projects of the Diocese. For more information on this, please contact the Development Office.
Advantages of giving Life Insurance include: Convenience, Ability to give more than otherwise possible, Flexibility, & Simplicity.
Everyone seems to have US Savings Bonds tucked away in a bureau drawer or safe deposit box. They’re a savings tool used by millions of Americans – in part because of favorable tax advantages.
Savings bonds are bought at a discount and double in value by maturity. Bonds are always free of state and local income taxes and, in general, the interest accumulates free of federal income tax, as well. Taxation occurs only when the bonds are cashed, reissued to another person or reach final maturity.
But bonds may be subject to heavy federal income taxes and state and federal “death taxes” in a person’s estate. Heirs will owe income tax whenever they cash savings bonds.
You can erase all taxes on savings bonds at death by changing your Will or revocable living trust to specifically leave bonds for the Diocese of Ogdensburg, your Parish, School, Diocesan Ministries and Program or Missionary Projects of the Diocese. Savings bonds that we receive pass 100% free of estate taxes and, as a tax-exempt organization we would owe absolutely no income taxes on the bonds. In other words, every dollar we receive from redeeming the bonds could be used, in comparison to the shrunken after-tax amount that would be available to other beneficiaries. These tax benefits may allow you to do more for the Church’s future than you might have thought possible.