The Diocese of Ogdensburg Vocations Society is a group of faithful Catholics with the intention of promoting and supporting vocations to the priesthood, permanent diaconate, and consecrated religious life throughout the North Country.
The Annual Pilgrimage for Vocations:
Sometimes we travel to Canada, other times we stay in the States. Some years, we do an overnight or two, other years it is simply a day trip. But it is always to a holy
shrine with the expressed purpose of praying for Vocations.
Production of Vocations Materials:
Holy cards to be used in the parishes, Vocations books for the Catholic Schools, and advertisements in the North Country
Catholic are funded by D.O.V.S.
Personal Support:
Understanding that no Vocation is lived in a vacuum, D.O.V.S. supports vocations by sending cards, hosting meals, and gifting Christmas care packages.
Most months, D.O.V.S. meet the third Wednesday in Norfolk at the parish center at 11:30. All are welcome to attend. If you are unable to attend meetings because of work or distance, you can share the mission by becoming a Patron Member. Contact D.O.V.S. President Connie Randall for more information at 315-265-2762.
The DOVS and other pilgrims recently made a pilgrimage to St. Anne’s Shrine, Isle LaMotte, Vermont. Msgr. Dennis Duprey, Peru, celebrated the Mass and gave the homily, followed by lunch, Raffle winners, and Holy Hour to pray for vocations.
DOVS meeting at St. Mary’s Social Hall, Massena
The DOVS recently visited the Motherhouse for a meeting,
lunch, tour of the Motherhouse followed by a Holy Hour.
Pilgrimage to St. Patrick’s Church, Mother Cabrini
Shrine, Peru, NY
The Vocation Rosary was prayed at the shrine and time for prayer
at St. Patrick’s Church, Oratory. The pilgrims went to St. Augustine’s
Church, Peru for a Holy Hour and Benediction followed by Mass with Fr. Chris
Carrara, Director of Vocations as the celebrate, Fr. Scott Seymour,
pastor, The Roman Catholic Community of St. Alexander and St. Joseph with
parishes at Cadyville and Peru and pastoral vicar, Fr. Leagon Carlin and Deacon
Thomas Proulx, St. Peter’s Parish, Massena.
Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Clayton, New York
Celebrants for the Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic Church,
Father Christopher Carrara, Director of Vocations, Father
John Downs, the DOVS Chaplain, Father Arthur LaBaff, Sacramental Minister, St.
Mary’s Clayton